You are invited to join us Sunday mornings at 10AM. It’s our central gathering: the community-defining hour of the week.
- We all gather for worship 10 AM on Sundays, September through June. All kids and adults are welcome!
- Kids will leave the Sanctuary to attend faith development programming partway through the service. Some services are designed for all ages and everyone stays together.
- While in the sanctuary, fill out one of the blue “connection cards” in the pocket at the end of pews so we can stay in touch with you. You may also fill out a “virtual” connection card here.
- Give the blue card to an usher, or drop it off after the service at the Welcome Table outside of the Common Room
- After the service, exit via one of the doors on either side of the pulpit and join us for coffee, tea, and fellowship in the Common Room.
- Plan to stay for a while after the service.
- Stop by the Welcome Table (in the foyer outside the doors on either side of the pulpit)
- Sign up for a nametag and to receive our monthly newsletter (The Parishioner)
- Pick up some brochures to learn more about Unitarian Universalists and First Parish
- Ask whatever questions you may have of the person greeting you at the Welcome Table
- Then follow the crowd into the Common Room for coffee, tea and conversation
- Check out our calendar for the lively happenings throughout the week!