First Steps

Finding Our Place at First Parish

Foot Steps

The faith journey for Unitarian Universalist children begins in preschool.  In 2018-19, our children get to know what some of the core values of our faith are:  belief in the worth and dignity of each person, why we are all connected, and more.  Through a much-admired curriculum called “The Rainbow Connection,” our children get to know our church – its building and its values –  and connect to their teachers, our ministers and friends in the congregation. Children learn about our flaming chalice (the symbol of Unitarian Universalism) and engage in experiences that help each of them find their own special place at First Parish.

Note: Grade combinations beyond First Steps are adapted as class size requires. 


Welcome to First Steps!

A Religious Education Program for Pre-Kindergarten Children (one year prior to entering Kindergarten)

Affirming and promoting the values that are reflected in our Unitarian Universalist Principles are a principal attraction to Unitarian Universalism.  For the 2018-19 year, we will be introducing the Seven UU Principles to young children with a curriculum called “The Rainbow Connection.” This curriculum, written by Karen Hager and taught by experienced early childhood education volunteers from our congregation, along with teen teaching assistants, helps our children appreciate and act on these UU values in their own lives.

Each Sunday morning the class will focus on one of our UU Principles. As we light the Flaming Chalice – symbol of our faith – we will gather together with stories, activities, crafts, songs and games that reflect the principle of the day.

The morning will also include stories, songs, free play, and time for making friends!  Some of the key values we’ll focus on are these:

Each and Every Person is Important

Be Kind in All You Do

Search for What is True and Right for You

Be Active! Talk and Vote on Your Ideas

It Does Need to Be Fair for All!

Everything Is Connected

We meet each Sunday in room L06. Nut-free snacks are provided.