Plant & Craft Fair on Saturday, May 18th, 10am – 3pm

The 68th Annual First Parish Plant & Craft Fair will be held on Saturday, May 18th, 2024

10:00 AM- 3:00 PM on the Bedford Common

There are several days and ways to help. Please sign up to help with tasks before, during or after the fair.   Sign Up to Help

As in the past, we will be digging up our heritage perennials from our own yards and offer them for sale. Note- the Asian Jumping worm is becoming a bigger problem this year! Please do not dig up plants for the sale if you have an infestation. Here is a site that offers more information about that! And sorry if you have these critters!

If you are a Crafter and want a spot for a tent, or are interested in having a table to pass out information please sign up here:

For more information on how to contact the exhibitor managers please see this page:

We will be having yummy baked goods from our First Parish Bake Table, subs from Jersey Mikes, and delicious offerings from Little Eva’s Kitchen.

If you are a First Parish member and would like to sign up for baking, please sign up here:

If you have a question about the fair- please send an email to us through our specific Plant Fair email account:

Dorothy Africa and Bea Brunkhorst are Co-Chairs for the organizational team
Bea Brunkhorst and Melinda Ballou are the Crafter Managers

Looking forward to seeing you at this year’s fair!